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Wednesday, 09 June 2021 20:42

Post Esports Masters comes to an end

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Red Lions’ Post Esports Masters

Last Saturday (05.06.21) it was time for our Red Lions to fight. They had to play against RelyOn for the 3rd place of the tournament. In their first game they literally dominated their opponents. You could really tell that they were training hard for the last weeks, because of how they played. The match ended with a win for the Red Lions.




This win boosted the confidence and the moral of our players, which in general a good thing, but not this time… In their second game some of the players became too cocky and overestimated themselves. They lost their focus, and they were run over by RelyOn. The game ended with a loss for the Red Lions.

In the last game they realised that they cannot underrate RelyOn. Our Lions fought with everything they had. In every single fight, you could see that they were 100% determined to win the game. The game was very close. It was a head-on-head match. Neither of both teams wanted to lose. For every fight, our Lions won, there was a counter play from RelyOn. It was an interesting game until the last second. Unluckily for the Red Lions, RelyOn won the decisive fight and won the game. BOTRL’s team earned the 4th place after a hard and heavy season.




Nevertheless, we are still proud of our Team, they did their best and we are looking forward for next season of Post Esports Masters.

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