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Monday, 19 April 2021 22:08

Interview of committee members: Patrick's Interview

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You will find here a small interview proposed to the members of the committee in order to get to know them better.


Why be part of this non-profit organization?

  • Because I like to share the same passion with my friends. And if we can promote this passion in the form of an ASBL (non-profit organization), it is even better.

What is your role in the non-profit organization?

  • I am the income / outcome manager and I write articles for our website.

If you could choose, would you have another role within the non-profit organization?

  • No, I am satisfied with the role I have.

Which message to send, by this non-profit organization, is the most important for you?

  • Video games are a passion that brings together people of all categories and whose primary goal is to make people happy.

What do you hope for the future of the non-profit organization?

  • A nice community and a committee that remains healthy and cooperative.


More personally now,


When did you fall into video games?

  • Around the age of 6-7 when I had an accident and to keep the time in the hospital going, my parents bought me my first Game Boy and that was where it all started.

What do you find most enjoyable in video games?

  • I love games that have a great story to tell and I love games that require the skill to complete a task.

Risky question: Retro or New?

  • New

What is your favourite franchise / game?

  • I love the Uncharted series and I was a veteran in the very first Call of Duty where I invested hours and hours in Multiplayer mode with my old clan.

If a retro game were to have the right to a Remaster, which game would you choose? (choose a game that has not had a Remaster)

  • Starfox Adventures which was released on Gamecube! I have finished this game several times.

What is your favorite console (excluding PC)?

  • PS5

You have the opportunity to put yourself in the shoes of a video game producer, present your game to us. Title, graphic style, game style (RPG, FPS, etc.), short summary:

  • The playstyle would be Adventure with elements of an RPG like the evolution of his character. As I am fascinated by the history itself and especially the era of the world war, the game is set in the era of the 2nd world war. There are a lot of FPS playing in this era, but I miss any adventure games or RPG in this style.
  • I will choose a fairly realistic graphic style with a third character camera.
  • Since I'm not too good at inventing names, the title would simply be “WWII”.

Additional Info

  • Translated By: Richard Godefroid
Read 940 times Last modified on Monday, 19 April 2021 22:17
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